How we helped a swimming club transform digitally with mobile app

How we helped a swimming club transform digitally with mobile app

We created LoveSwim - a tailored mobile app for the Mu Do swimming club. This app successfully simplifies paperwork, automates processes, saves 60% of administration time, and brings a joyful experience to Mu Do's members.
By Industry
By Service
Custom Software Development
Mobile App Development
UX/UI Design
By Technology
Spring Boot

Over the past decade, Mu Do (Red Hat) has been the largest and most dynamic swimming community in Hanoi with 500+ members. The leadership found their manual operation no longer sufficiently supported the day-to-day needs of their growing community and exposed many inadequacies for both Mu Do's admin team as well as members.

Partnering with BiPlus, Mu Do desired to create LoveSwim - a tailored mobile app for their swimming club. LoveSwim was expected to meet the needs of learning, practicing and sharing passion among swimming lovers. Additionally, this app is intended to simplify paperwork and streamline club processes of the admin team.

Struggling with manual processes and paperwork

Relying on paper-based systems, Mu Do faced many difficulties:

  • Paper-based membership management creates complexity and was prone to errors.
  • Exam and result manual tracking was time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Comparing and tracking members' progress was difficult without centralized data.
  • There was no place to store and easily access swimming learning materials and exercises.
  • Members had limited ways to connect, track advancement or access resources.

Build custom app with optimal tech stack

To deliver LoveSwim with a seamless user experience and powerful yet flexible data handling capabilities, our team leveraged:

  • Kotlin and Spring Boot (backend): For swift, robust backed development and database management.
  • Kotlin and Swift (frontend): For an intuitive and friendly experience across Android and iOS devices.
  • MariaDB (database): For secure member data storage, management as well as ensure data integrity.
  • REST APIs and Cloud Computing (integration and deployment): For seamless data exchange and scalable deployment.

By carefully selecting these technologies for their capabilities, we developed a custom solution tailored to Mu Do’s needs of centralized data management, simplified processes, and flexible data handling.

Going beyond the technical development, we also leveled up the user experience through an optimal UI/UX solution. This has brought a joyful experience that Mu Do's members have never seen before:

  • Join Mu Do's competitions at any pool: Freely choose the favorite pool and have the results updated instantly.
  • Improve swimming ability through detailed stats: Gain more insights about how quickly they swim per lap and on average.
  • Easily share the results on social media: Show their achievements on social media simply by screenshotting.
  • Stay competitive with leaderboard: Compete with other members for a higher rank on the real-time leaderboard.

Our 4-step implementation process with Agile approach

BiPlus deployed LoveSwim through a 4-step process:

  • Analysis and design: Conducted initial needs analysis then designed full user interface, database and integration details.
  • Development: Our development team wrote code and built out features following Agile methodology and Scrum for flexibility and efficiency.
  • Testing and fixing: Identify and fix errors discovered through automated and manual testing to ensure quality.
  • Deployment and support: Deployed LoveSwim on cloud computing with ongoing support to ensure stable operation.

LoveSwim successful deployment breathed new life into Mu Do

LoveSwim achieved strong success post-launch, evidenced by:

  • 1000+ users within the first week of launch.
  • Cut 60% administrative time thanks to automated processes.
  • Optimize management by eliminating manual paperwork.
  • 4.5 stars rating on Google Play along with positive user feedback.
  • Become an indispensable app for the Mu Do club.

Mr Thuy, founder and manager of Mu Do, excitedly shared:

“LoveSwim is a great application, helping our club save a lot of time and effort to operate effectively. Everyone in our club is happy using LoveSwim.”

A trusted partner is the key to digital transformation

With the dedicated support of BiPlus, from design to deployment and beyond, LoveSwim has been seamlessly adopted at Mu Do through its optimal user experience and management capabilities. We are so proud to be a key contribution to making this application a resounding digital transformation of Mu Do.

The success of LoveSwim is such a strong proof of how mobile solutions can streamline operations and strengthen engagement.

For organizations/companies, even the most established ones, seeking to thrive in today's digital era, BiPlus will help you accelerate into the future.

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